BYOD Specifications
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate

"Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe; e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta."

"Don’t paddle out of unison; our canoe will never reach the shore."

Whakatauki, Māori Proverb

BYOD Specifications

  • Digital devices are compulsory for all Year 7-13 students.  
  • Marist College recommends a Windows or Mac laptop not a Chromebook or Tablet.
  • Below is a list of specifications for purchasing a device. If your daughter currently has a device that meets the below specification, then there is no need to purchase a new one.  
  • Mobile phones are digital devices, but they are not acceptable as a learning device. They are not to be used, seen, or heard while on school property.
Not Recommended
Operating System - Windows 10/11 or Mac OSChrome Books and Apple/Android Tablets
Hard Drive 64GB+  (128GB+ recommended for Seniors)
Less than 64GB Hard Disk
RAM 4GB+ (8GB+ recommended for Seniors)
Less than 4GB RAM
Battery Life 6 hours + (there are no charging facilities at school)  

Cybersafety for Families

At Marist we support the education of the whole child.  

In today's world, young people spend significant amounts of time online and using digital technologies such as computers, tablets and cellphones. There is a world of communication, collaboration, entertainment and information resources which our young people can take advantage of in ways that weren't possible for previous generations.  As teachers and parents we can't control our young people's behavior online at all times and places, but we can teach our students to behave responsibly in the digital world, whether they are at school, in the workplace, or in their own personal spaces.

10 Internet Safety Tips for Parents

Here are some key messages around internet safety that could help parents help their children.

  • Don’t let potential problems stop you from letting your child use technology for their education and personal interests.
  • Put computers in a communal area of the house and don’t allow portable internet devices (laptops, phones, tablets etc) in the bedroom.
  • Find out what your child is doing online. Talk to them regularly about what websites they visit and take the time sit with them as they use the internet. Make sure you’re familiar with how the sites that they visit work.
  • Encourage your child to tell you if they ever have a problem on the internet or if they’re ever unsure about anything. Reassure them that you won’t take away their connection to the internet if issues occur.
  • Remind your child to keep personal information private. YAPPY is a useful acronym to remind children of the personal information they should not share on public online spaces (blogs, forums etc.) – Your full name,address, phone number, passwords, your plans.
  • Remind your child that not everything on the internet is true and not all internet users tell the truth.
  • Don’t support your child to sign up for sites that are 13+ if they are under age (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc). Make sure your child sets their online accounts to ‘private’ to limit access to people they know well (when they are old enough to sign up).
  • Encourage your child to balance their leisure time so they’re not spending all of their time online.
  • Create your own internet rules for your household and have your child agree to adhere to them.
  • Explore online resources (such as the ones below) for parents so you can educate yourself and protect your children.