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Student Services

"He waka eke noa - We're all in this together."

Whakatauki, Māori Proverb

General Information


Please report absences before 8:30am on the day of the absence. 

Use the 'Report Absence' function on our SchoolBridge app, phone the school office on 846 8311 or email [email protected]. If no notification is received, a text will be sent to the students parents/cargivers mobile phone.

Extended Absence - Permission must be requested in writing from the Principal prior to the absence for extended absences of more than three days.


To share and celebrate student success please email stories and/or images for inclusion in our weekly newsletter content to [email protected]

Lost Property

Please CLEARLY NAME your daughter's belongings carefully - only using initials rather than full names, faded markings, and loose or unattached labels contribute to lost property. Clearly named items can be returned easily.

At the end of each term any uncollected property will be donated to charity and our used uniforms shop. Parents are welcome to look through the lost property box which is located near the office foyer.

School Bus Information

School Bus information can be found for the following journeys:

Student Leadership Selection

A leadership day is held for Year 12 students towards the end of the school year, and the concept of servant leadership, the Marist model, is explored. An important feature of this leadership model is that all students in Year 13 are regarded as school leaders. Some of these have designated roles. We expect and encourage all our Year 13s to step up and lead in their Whanau, their extra-curricular activities, at school events, in cultural groups, as student coaches and managers and in social action groups. The badge does not make the leader.

On leadership day Year 12 students are invited to nominate which specific leadership roles they might be interested in, if any, for the next year.

Later, all Year 12 students are given the opportunity to vote for 10 students, whom they regard as suitable leadership candidates. It is important to note that they are not voting for a student for a particular role but for students whom they are happy to have lead them. This is a done as an online survey and is anonymous. The staff of the College are also invited to nominate 10 students whom they consider potential leaders. These votes are then combined and counted; these votes are the determining factor in who is appointed to roles for the following year.

One additional factor which may determine which roles are assigned to whom, is the nomination by designated TIC of an area for students, who have demonstrated strengths or commitment in the specific area. Eg. Sport, Performing Arts, Liturgy, or Library, to name a few.

The Senior Leadership Team then decide who will fill each role on the basis firstly of the votes, then the student's own requests for roles which they would like and lastly on the nominations by TIC for specific badges.

As part of our leadership training, students are invited to attend one of two leadership programmes offered through the college - the Marist Youth leader programme or the LOGOS Youth Leadership programme at the beginning of their Year 13 year in the summer holidays. 

Finally, a second group of leaders is appointed on Marist Day, as an acknowledgement of their servant leadership, without a badge, throughout the year.

Stationery Requirements

The College will NOT be selling stationery to students at the start of the school year. We ask you to purchase the necessary stationery for your daughter prior to the start of the school year.  

OfficeMax have our stationery lists on their website and you can order directly from them.

Your daughter will need to have all her stationery requirements before lessons begin.

2024 Stationery Lists

Click on the appropriate year level below to access a pdf version of the stationery list.