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Charter, Reviews, Policies and Procedures
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"Outstanding strength of special character - it is real, pervasive and alive! Marist is rightly seen as a leader among Catholic Schools."

Catholic Education Services

School Policies and Procedures

Please use this link to access all Marist College policies and procedures. This is also the link to follow for our policy review process. This link will take you to the SchoolDocs site where you will be asked to login. 


The community username is 'maristcollege' 

The password is 'mary'

Our Strategic Direction 2022 - 2026
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The Marist College strategic direction is underpinned by the National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP). The Strategic Plan sets out what Marist College strives to achieve over the next five years. 

The Board regularly reviews the direction and prioritises the annual initiatives it believes best supports our strategic direction and the goals that result from them.

Our Mission:

The Marist College community is committed to fostering excellence in education founded on living Catholic values and the spirit of Mary.

The Marist Charism:

Ad Jesum per Mariam - To Jesus through Mary.
In Mary's Way - Bring the Gospel of Jesus to the World. Thinking, judging, feeling, and acting as Mary would in the world today.

“Marist College continues to provide high standards of teaching and learning that encourage student participation and engagement in meaningful learning contexts.”

ERO Review

Audited Annual Accounts

Marist College Audited Annual Account files for previous years are available below